The Power of Qualification
What exactly is the power of qualification? That term refers to the way you qualify the pure God energy that is always flowing through you from your source and out into the world. An easy way to think about this would be to think of yourself as a conduit. God or Universal energy is constantly flowing pure energy through you for you to do with it whatever you choose. You, being the conduit can choose to send it out from yourself into the world to create mayhem and discord or you can use it to create positive change in the world. But those two ways imply a conscious decision on your part to create. What you must come to terms with is the fact that you are creating every second of every day. Just like the energy never stops flowing, neither does your creative power. There is no off switch so to speak.
Herein lies the danger. If you are always creating, based on your thoughts and feelings. What happens when your thoughts are unguarded? What happens when you allow yourself to dwell on unhappy memories from the past? What is really occurring every time you talk about painful experiences and along with talking about them, you call up the painful feelings that went along with them?
Well, you are qualifying the energy that you have been given to create, with things that you most likely, do not want to create again. Yet that is exactly what you are doing. If you allow yourself to dwell on negative, unhappy things then you are creating more of the very thing you do not want for your future. [Rhonda Bryne,The Secret (2006)]
While this may seem like a huge responsibility and it is, there is an up side to this! Every time you think about the things you do want, about the things that make you happy, about the things that you are grateful for. You create more of those things as well.
The power of qualification is really the way you choose to direct energy. As a creator with free will, it is your choice as to whether you harness that power for your upliftment or do you deny your own power to your detriment? With power always comes responsibility and we all have to come to the realization that we are responsible for the things we experience in this world.
The power of intent deals with our energy that we consciously send out. One of the most informative books on the topic, The Intention Experiment, reads, “The evidence convinced me that we can improve our health, enhance our performance in every area of our lives, and possibly even affect the future by consciously using intention.” (p. 143)
The power of intention is strongly connected with visualization because when you marry the two, you have a way to harness the invisible powers of creation that are ever about us.
The power of intent, the power of visualization and the power of qualification are all connected. In fact, you could say that they are different limbs from the same tree. But understanding them independently of one another is important so that one can take full advantage of their power.