
Quantum Mechanics?

An easy way to explain this would be to say that quantum mechanics or quantum physics which will be used interchangeably throughout is the scientific theory that an object is affected and changed by the one observing it. That is to say that consciousness affects material reality. If consciousness affects material reality than it follows that consciousness creates material reality. Which again leads to, consciousness creates reality. Period. This is a new science that is turning the old scientific world on it’s ear and is literally causing a paradigm shift in global consciousness. [Amit Goswami, How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization (2011)]

Now if consciousness creates reality, then it stands to reason that consciousness is primary to all creation. Including the life and experiences that you as an individual lives through. Up until now, the mass consciousness on the planet believed that life was something that happened to an individual. But quantum physics explains that we are not merely victims of circumstance. But instead are actually, masters of reality. Even if the reality is unpleasing to us, it does not mean that we are not the creators of it and therefor responsible for it’s existence.

While quantum physics is a relatively new term, the idea that it represents and finally, scientifically proves has been around since the dawn of time. It has been taught by all the great masters and teachers throughout history. But many did not grasp the potential within themselves and instead took the words they heard and created limitations for themselves. Which in itself, proved their ability to create reality. Even if the reality they created was one of limitations.

As a small child I was introduced to the “I AM” activity. “I AM” being the name of God that was revealed to Moses in the Bible through the burning bush. When he asked God, who shall he tell people who sent him. God answered, “I AM THAT I AM.” So it is with this understanding of the words “I AM” that my life began and has been directed ever since.

The “I AM” activity which was sponsored by the Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches that the words, “I AM” are the two most powerful words in the world. Because to say them acknowledges the God within each of us and that those words create reality. Whatever follows those words is the beginning of a manifestation. Whether is is a positive statement, such as “I AM happy” or a negative one such as, “I AM sad.” There is no one to say no to whatever you decree for yourself, because as a creator, you are the only one responsible for the things you experience in this life time. [Saint Germain,The “I AM” Discourses (1993)] No one can say no to God’s creation or choices, and no one or nothing can say the words, ‘I AM’ except for God and the ones created in his image. We, as children of God have been given the birthright to create and with it, the responsibility. But how many of us deny both?

Up until now, denial has been relatively easy. If someone were to choose to believe scientific materialism, they would be able to lie to themselves about their role in their own lives. They would be able to tell themselves that they are merely observers, not true creators. That the chaos theory is more plausible then the Law of Attraction. But no longer, no longer can humanity deny their power and birthright any longer. Because the one thing that they hung onto, science, is now proving the very thing that spiritualists, metaphysics, and others in tune with the greater good knew all along. Thought is the basis for all material reality. [Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment (2007)]

Think about it for a second. What comes first? An action or a thought? We might say that we acted without thinking, but that is a colloquialism. In truth, we all know that nothing has ever happened without someone thinking a thought about it first. Because it simply can not be without that. How could something exist, anything really, without someone, somewhere having thought it up? [Saint Germain,The “I AM” Discourses (1993)]

We have thought that creates reality. But is there a more definite way to control our thoughts? How can we consciously create what we want in life? One way to do that is to harness your power of qualification. Your power of thought and creation through visualization. To visualize what you want, is to see the images in your mind’s eye of the experience that you wish to have in your reality. It is to see with your heart and to feel deeply the joy of having your desires fulfilled. Visualization is a powerful tool for creating life as you want it to be. It is tapping into the power of thought to create reality. But you are directing it, consciously and with intent. [Melita Denning, Osborne Phillips, Practical Guide to Creative Visualization (2006)]