Hardships of Being a Light Worker
It’s hard being a Light Worker in a world filled with people that don’t see the world, even close to the way we see it. Light Workers are by nature, sensitive souls. We’re compassionate and empaths. We are indigos and sensitives. We are healers and shamans. We are nature lovers and animal rights activists. We are environmentalists and political warriors for equality. We are artists and creatives. We are in all walks of life but whatever we are, we are different from the norm.
Most Light workers know that they are different from an early age. It can be a treacherous world for children born with great light if they aren’t born to older light workers, because this society we live in will immediately try to drug the light right out of you with vaccines, medications and unhealthy food. And already being more sensitive then the general population, these toxins can have immediate and devastating affects. Sometimes they’re not immediate but they’re still devastating.
I have spoken to a lot of self-identified seekers and light workers and a lot of them have similar stories. They have been given, wrongfully so labels such as ADD, ADHD, bipolar, autistic and a host of other labels that mean something is wrong with them. When really nothing is wrong with them! They just feel more or see more then most people and in turn, must learn to process all of this extra information in a healthy and productive way. But science hasn’t quite caught up with us yet, so they try to jam us into a box of their own making. They try to drug us into complacency with the status quo. They don’t want to see that we’re not broken, the system is.
If you’re reading this right now, you’ve already figured out or are starting to, that nothing is wrong with you. You’re not crazy because you feel so much pain in the world and want to fix it. That means you’re empathetic to the nature elementals that are being abused by humanity every day. You’re not crazy because you see energy and auras around people, or can speak to your spiritual guides. That means you’re accessing more of who you, who we are all supposed to be. Think of it like evolution. Because all of mankind must wake up to the fact that there is more to this world then the physical sight of most people can see. The fact that most people’s vision only reaches into a specific frequency does not mean that the rest of the frequencies cease to exist, it simply means that one has limited sight. So why would the person that can not see, tell the person that can, that they are wrong? This is exactly like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, except that we have decided to let the cave people that have never seen the light of day tell us, what’s real and what’s not! Does that make any sense? How did we let people that are less evolved, spiritually or metaphysically speaking, make life and death decisions over our health, in direct contradiction to what we feel in our souls is right? And for some of us, can actually see is in direct opposition to the truth.
Science backs me up on this. Did you know that humans can only see less then 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. That literally means that we can’t see 99% of reality! Yet most people live their entire lives, base all their decisions on less then one percent of the information. Again I ask you, does this make any sense at all?
Science knows that there are frequencies that exist and are acting around us and upon us, all the time, that we can not see. Yet society is still slow to come to grips with the idea that some people can see just a little more of that spectrum. Some people are born seeing energy, some can feel it. There are many ways to access the higher (as well as lower if you so choose) frequencies and in so doing affect your physical experience in very palpable ways.
This blog post isn’t really about how to do anything new. This is just a gentle reminder to those of you that already see energy, or “feel too much”, the natural energy workers and healers. You’re not crazy and you’re not alone. The Internet has allowed us to find each other across the globe and to share information. Google the term Light Worker and see how many beautiful websites, dedicated to the light are out there. The world is slowly waking up. We’re here to help speed up that process.
Blessings and light on your path, my friend.